a real CHOCO TREASURE!!! :) :)

I had been looking for these, but didn't know if they were out yet! It turns out that Target and World Market carry them.
Brittany was at Target when she saw this and recognized it from this very blog! It was the only one left that wasn't broken. And, even though her little boy, Ben, thought it was a "BOY" candy, she knew I'd love it!!!
Once I removed the egg out of the box, I took off the chocolate to inspect this so-called "safer" egg inside. It was really quite evident that it was there, by the ridge coming out of the chocolate. It was also very hard to open, which is good since the egg itself is probably a little big to choke on.
Guess what we found inside?!?! A Lizard puzzle!! (Which is very appropriate for a spiderman egg, since little boys generally love both super heros, and giant lizards!)
When it came to actually tasting the chocolate, it fell a little bit short of my expectation. Kinder uses their delicous european chocolate to coat their eggs, (in layers of milk and then white chocolate). Choco Treasure tasted a bit like the Palmer Easter candy, even though their website says it's made with Swiss chocolate. However, most American kids haven't had Kinder Eggs, and won't have anything to compare ChocoTreasure to. I'm sure most any kid would love to get a Choco Treasure for Easter! Especially since they have different themes. (Most of them are directed towards boys):
Note: even though the themes seem to be more directed towards boys, some of the original ones contain some cute things like this octopus :) ♥
So, I'll conclude by saying Choco Treasures are here!! And in October, I'm going to try a real Kinder Egg and compare them officially :)
*[Introduction: Eric is Blake's brother, and Brittany is his beautiful wife!]
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