Eric and Brittany gave me some pretty "sweet" vintage candies for my birthday! (In addition to the Choco Treasure from my last post) :)
Charms Sour Balls
These sour balls not only come in super cute packaging, but they are a childhood favorite to many. We sell them at Blickenstaff's, although I hadn't tried them before! These are not very sour at all. I'm not surprised, because most sour vintage candies are not extreme like the 90's warheads. A sour ball has a subtle sour flavor that both looks and tastes like a little sucker. Each color has its own flavor to it. The yellow ones are pineapple and more sweet than sour, while the red cherry ones are the least sweet. Sweet or sour, these sure are a "wonderful" little treat, like it says in the title! ♥ I think people of all ages would enjoy them. :)
Now and Later
They also gave me some Now and Laters in packages separated by Flavor! There are a few flavors of Now and Laters in this pack I haven't seen before! Those include:
Wildberry, Tropical punch, and Blue Raspberry.
At Blickenstaff's we have all of the common vintage flavors:
So I had just assumed that was it! But, I'm very excited to say that my new favorite flavor of Now & Later is Tropical Punch! Although, Wildberry definitely has the strongest flavor, and is very tasty as well. The Blue Raspberry tastes a little bit like the next thing I'm talking about:
Charms Cotton Candy
Is there anything better than cotton candy?! I have to admit that I ate most of this bag in one sitting! :) I was impressed by the fact that this "fluffy stuff" really filled the whole bag. It was actually packed in there pretty well, just as you see in the picture. When you pull it apart, it just keeps coming and coming. I really enjoyed this! The 2 flavors mixed in throughout the bag kept it fun. After I got all sugared out, there was about 1/4 of the bag left. I put it down by the couch, (we were watching a movie, then played a few games), and by the time I went to grab some more, it had dried into a hard clump. Moral of the story? Put a twist-tie on the bag when you're done! It does say the serving size includes the whole bag, but I don't think most can! :)
I also celebrated my birthday with my parents. They gave me a couple of classics as well!
Werthers Original Hard Candies
Original Salt Water Taffy

This post is a few days after the presents were given to me, because it took me quite a while just to taste them all! Not to worry though, I'm combating all of the sugar and fattening substances in these candies with a new Zumba Exhilarate DVD set my momma got me for my birthday! With a lot of candy consumption comes the responsibility to work it off! :)